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Itsallcode Blog

Proton Mail Aliases

We all know that everyone and his cat want our private data. Email addresses and phone numbers are among the most popular items the data grifters want. Personally, I like to know who gave away my mail addresses. Proton Mail has a nice feature that can make this happen. If you create an email address say, you can add as many aliases as you like by simply adding +<alias> to the name part of the address.

Plugins for OpenFastTrace

We are very happy to announce a new feature for OpenFastTrace in version 4.1.0: You can now create and use third party plugins! Using plugins you can extend OFT with new imports and exports without modifying the core product. The very first plugin openfasttrace-asciidoc-plugin was contributed by @sophokles73 and is available in version 0.2.0. We also have good news for Maven users: It’s very easy to use OFT plugins with our openfasttrace-maven-plugin if they are published to a Maven repository, see the documentation for details.

A Second pair of Eyes

Which developer does not know this situation: you debug like a mad person and form all sorts of crazy theories my the code in front of you does not work. Especially if you are new to a topic — like we are with our shiny new Hugo blog. When I created the blog, I intended to keep the directory structure identical to the old WordPress blog: <domain>/<year>/<month>/<day>/<post> All good and well, until I updated to a different theme, because the minimal theme by Calin Tataru that I originally chose — and which I still find stunningly beautiful in its clean simplicity — is apparently not maintained anymore.