OpenFastTrace Gradle plugin 0.4.0 released

Today we released version 0.4.0 of the OpenFastTrace Gradle plugin. This is the first version that can be considered production ready. It was successfully integrated into a real life commercial project using the following features: Software architecture design (Swad) imported as a dependency from a maven repository Software detailed design (Swdd) written in MarkDown Coverage […]

Publishing to Maven Central

We already publish openfasttrace to JCenter, see openfasttrace distribution. Using libraries from JCenter in a Gradle build only requires adding repositories { jcenter() } to your build.gradle. You can do the same with maven by adding the following to your pom.xml: <repositories>   <repository>     <id>central</id>     <name>bintray</name>     <url></url>   </repository> </repositories> But we […]