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Itsallcode Blog

Tracability Talk at the Xen Summit

Big shout out to our friend Ayan Kumar Halder, who held a talk with me on the Xen Summit. Ayan talked about traceability in the Xen functional safety project and I contributed a video explaining how OFT fits into the picture. Watch the recording of the talk on the Xen YouTube channel! Also, please check out the other FuSa talk Ayan held together with his colleague Michal Orzal.

New Gradle Plugin for OFT

It took a while, but now we finally released version 0.7.0 containing the Gradle plugin for OpenFastTrace 3.0.2. There were some issues that delayed the release: The configuration of plugins changed in Gradle 6.0. The old API is deprecated and will be removed in Gradle 7.0, so we had to migrate to the new API. Calculating the test coverage of Gradle plugin integration tests requires plugin jacoco-gradle-testkit-plugin. With new Gradle versions the test task fails under Windows with exception message Failed to create MD5 hash for file content.