While we already published releases on JCenter, we are now in the process of getting OpenFastTrace published on Maven Central. The goal is of course to make using OFT as convenient as possible for everyone.
I am happy to see that the people from Maven Central take security seriously and do not just let anyone publish modules under any package name. They asked us to prove that we own the domain “itsallcode.
Today we released OpenFastTrace 1.0.0 Or criteria for this major release were Importers for Markdown, ReqM2, Tag format and Legacy-Tag format Exporter for ReqM2 Full featured plain text report Basic tag filter and artifact type filter User guide Contribution guideline Time to celebrate!
Not much time today, so just a list of “features” I’ve discovered on my shiny new Samsung M2825 printer.
Good software tries not to surprise the user. Today I was surprised that four of the integration tests in OpenFastTrace (OFT) failed, although I did not touch the code.
The failure reason given was a character encoding problem. Since I was quite sure that the problem did not occur last time I ran the test and I did not touch the code since, I knew the reason was not in our code.
When did I test enough?
While code coverage is a good indicator, you still have to know how code coverage works. Today I was hunting a bug in a Markdown importer I wrote for OpenFastTrace. The class where the bug sits had a whooping 93.1% code coverage and part of that missing coverage was owed to the fact that the JaCoCo coverage tracer can’t mark code that throws exceptions as covered – even though there is a test case for it.